The Ins and Outs of Hormone Pellets
Studies and clinical experience reveal testosterone implants can effectively alleviate peri-menopausal/menopausal symptoms. Sub-dermal implants slowly and consistently release small, physiologic doses of testosterone, providing significant benefits with very few, rare, adverse effects.
In the United States, most pellets are made by compounding pharmacies. We only use compounding pharmacies we have a strong relationship with and know the process of hormone pellet development. The pellets are small cylindrical compressed hormone in a natural base that slowly breaks down over 3-4 months.
Pellets deliver a steady level of hormones and avoid the fluctuating levels seen with creams or injections. Testosterone Pellets do not increase the risk of blood clots like conventional or synthetic hormone replacement therapy. This is only seen with oral formulations of hormone. In comparable studies and in our own clinical experience, pellets can have a positive impact on energy, concentration, focus, memory, lean muscle mass, bone density, inflammation, sleep, libido, and sexual response. Pellet therapy is used in both men and women since the 1930s.
Pellet placement is a very simple. procedure performed with local anesthesia (lidocaine). The pellets are usually inserted above the upper hip through a small incision, which is then closed with steri-strips (skin tape), a tegaderm and then a water-proof bandage.
Benefits ~ After testosterone pellets are placed, patients may notice that they have more energy, more restorative sleep, and an overall improved sense of well-being. Muscle mass and bone density can increase while fat percentage decreases. This will only take place if resistance exercise is done most days. Patients may notice increased strength, co-ordination, and physical performance. They may see an improvement in skin tone and hair texture. Concentration, focus and memory may improve, as will overall physical and sexual health. Libido and performance are also frequently noted to improve. Vaginal health is also improved. The pellet can also help with urinary incontinence, as well as migraine headaches. Mood stability is also a common benefit of pellet therapy.
Pre-menopause Benefits Sub-dermal testosterone has been used frequently in pre-menopausal women. Testosterone pellets have shown to relieve migraine or menstrual headaches, improve PMS symptoms, relieve anxiety and depression, increase energy, improve restorative sleep, sex drive, and libido. Women of child-bearing age who have testosterone pellets placed must use some form of birth control.
Hormone Pellet Side Effects
Side-effects from pellet insertion are rare but can include: minor bleeding or bruising at the site of insertion, small scar/ discoloration of the skin at insertion site, infection, and possible extrusion of the pellet. Other than slight tenderness around the pellet for 2-14 days post insertion, these events are rare.
Testosterone rarely may cause a slight increase in acne or chin/lip hair growth. Testosterone rarely may stimulate the bone marrow and increase the production of red blood cells. Early physical activity can be a cause of “extrusion,” which is the expulsion of the pellet through the incision. Patients are asked to refrain from exercise for 48 hours after pellet placement
Breast cancer and Hormone Pellets with Testosterone
Testosterone pellets have shown to decrease breast proliferation and lower the risk of breast cancer. Clinical studies show that testosterone counteracts estrogen and is “breast protective.” In the past, testosterone implants were used to treat patients with advanced breast cancer.
Response Time with Hormone Pellets
The response time with pellet therapy is variable but some patients will begin to notice a difference within the first 3-5 days, while most of the benefits will be present in 2 weeks post the first insertion. Follow up insertions will keep a steady state in the bloodstream.
Pellets typically last between 3-5 months in women with 3-4 months being the most common spacing. Pellets do not need to be removed; they completely dissolve on their own.
Monitoring/Bloodwork after Hormone Pellets
Blood work is evaluated before any hormone therapy is to be started and then 10 weeks after the first pellet insertion. After that, we require bloodwork yearly. Women are advised to continue their monthly self-breast exam and obtain a mammogram and/or pap smear as advised by their gynecologist or primary care physician.
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Categories: Anti Aging Therapies, Bio Identical Hormones, Bio identical Hormones Portland, Sexual Wellness, Testosterone Pellet Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy