Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or the P-Shot and Men’s Sexual Health
There are many cutting-edge ways to treat men’s sexual health today. Our favorites are testosterone therapy, peptide therapy and testosterone replacement therapy (HRT) for men. One of these options is platelet-rich plasma or PRP into the penile tissue. This is also known as the P-shot. At The Natural Path, we offer a multi-level approach to sexual rejuvenation. We find the P-shot to have an amazing outcome to help with erectile dysfunction.
What is Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP used in the P-Shot
The plasma portion of your blood is the more liquid portion that white blood cells flow through. It consists primarily of water and protein. It is wonderful for healing.
We begin with a blood draw in the office. The blood is then placed in a very specialized centrifuge. We sue specific kits and a centrifugal system specifically for P shot procedure to maximize the quantity and quality of the PRP. The centrifuge works to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other blood components. Dr. Madda is extremely skilled at the procedure. He then numbs the injection area and injects the plasma-rich platelets into the treatment location. With the P -shot, the area being treated is the penis. The P-Shot is a relatively quick procedure, taking about an hour!
Platelet-rich plasma or the P-shot has been shown to help recover from injuries to ligaments, tendons, joints, skin, and muscles. Although we do treat those other issues in our office, we also use PRP as an option to treat ED or erectile dysfunction. Occasionally, it can be used for penile enlargement with the addition of HA filler. It can also be used to treat Peyronie’s disease (curved penis), and improve overall sexual performance and function.
Candidates for P shot or Platelet Rich Plasma for Erectile Dysfunction
Any male that is seeking a potential solution to erectile dysfunction issues interested in potential penile size enhancement, as well as improved sexual function may benefit.
PRP treatment or the P shot can also helpful for those who have lost the ability to get an erection due to medical issues including Peyronie’s disease, prostate issues, side effects of certain prescription drugs, diabetes, or hypertension. PRP will concentrate your body’s own healing tools to repair and optimize the tissue and arteries within the penis, filling it with growth and healing factors.
What Are the Disadvantages of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?
Very few adverse effects have been reported in the initial studies, making PRP therapy a possible promising solution to issues concerning men’s sexual health. However, at this time, PRP therapy can be relatively expensive and isn’t usually covered by most insurance plans. If you choose to undergo PRP therapy, you might be footing the bill for your treatment.
Tags: ED doctor portland, Erectile Dysfunction Doctor Portland, P shot doctor Portland, P shot for erectile dysfunction, P shot near me, P SHot Portland, PRP penis portlandCategories: Bio identical Hormones Portland, Erectile Dysfunction, Gaineswave, GAINSWave, Mens Health, P-Shot, Testosterone Pellet Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Uncategorized