hcg diet portland

Maintaining Weight Loss on the HCG Diet Maintenance Phase

June 1, 2018 By , , , ,

Maintaining weight loss after the HCG Diet was not hard. I learned what to do and still have occasional indulgences. It feels great!

 Through the years, many of my patients needed something to do if weight began to creep up after the HCG Diet Protocol was complete.  This happens now and then, as we live in a world where food is in an over abundance.  I ask my patients to keep an eye on the scale and simply look at the number as information and not as trigger for a big emotional uproar. Throughout our program, we ask our patients to work on cultivating body acceptance and not letting the number on the scale trigger a fear response or self-judgement.  Really, it is just a number.


Bringing in the “Correction Day” after the HCG Diet 

We find that if our patients keep an eye on their weight, they have an easy time maintaining their weight loss. We always recommend if a patient goes 3 lbs above the last injection weight (LIW) they jump into a correction day that very day if possible. A correction day is rather simple ~ we recommend eating foods from the HCG DIet Phase II food list in phase III amounts.  What that means is that you will have a light breakfast with some form of protein and throughout the day you will have 2 servings of  5-7 oz. of an HCG Diet phase II protein source along with 2 cups of an HCG Diet phase II vegetable. You will also have your 2 HCG DIet phase II fruits to add in their as snacks.  This is a non-deprivational, clean and effective way to get your weight back down in 1-2 days.  I have seen my patients have really amazing results simply by being mindful of their weight and doing something about it if it begins to creep up.


Finding the Balance of a Fun, Non-deprivational, Healthy way of Eating after the HCG Diet

Post HCG Diet, it is important to subscribe to a maintenance plan that works for you.  We recommend finding a modified Paleo type of Diet or a modified Phase III Diet 80% of the time.  It is a bit of work, willpower and mindfulness to stay tuned into what we put in our bodies.  However, it is really important. For me, if I stick to clean, organic proteins and organic veggies as the main part of my diet with the occasional nuts, grain and fruit 80% of the time I feel great.  Then on occasion, I celebrate with food and have cake, ice cream, pizza, beer, etc.  These celebratory foods are just not an every day thing for me. Most patients, find this to be quite easy and satisfying and actually never go back to the way they ate before they began the HCG Diet.


I love the results that I get to watch rise from this program day in and day out.



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